Habersham County Safe Streets for All Safety Action Plan
We are excited to announce the launch of two key initiatives as part of the Habersham County Safe Streets for All Safety Action Plan: a Social PinPoint map and a survey.
Your feedback is crucial in helping us identify areas of concern and opportunities for improvement to enhance safety and accessibility of the community.
We invite you to participate by:
- Pinpointing specific locations with comments using our interactive map linked here: https://engagekh.mysocialpinpoint.com/habershamcosap
- Completing a brief survey linked here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Habersham-SS4A
Your input will directly shape the strategies and solutions we develop to create safer streets throughout Habersham County.
Please visit the Plan’s landing page (https://www.habershamga.com/safe-streets-for-all) to participate and to stay informed about any Safety Action Plan updates.
Thank you for helping us make Habersham County a safer and more connected community!