Provisional Ballots

Provisional Ballot Voting allows you to cast a ballot in person, even if all the requirements for doing so cannot be met at the time. The provisional ballot will only be counted if the problem is solved within 3 days after Election Day.

Some reasons for voting a provisional ballot and their solutions are:

1. You are unable to show one of the required forms of photo ID when you vote in person.

You will have 3 days from the close of the polls to present acceptable identification to your county registrar office for your vote to count.

2. When you first registered to vote in Georgia, you registered by mail, did not provide any identification at that time, and are unable to present acceptable identification the first time you vote in person.

You will have 3 days from the close of the polls to present acceptable identification to your county registrar office for your vote to count.

3. When you first registered to vote in Georgia, your citizenship status could not be verified.

You will have 3 days from the close of the polls to present acceptable citizenship proof to your county registrar office for your vote to count.

4. Your name does not appear on the list of registered voters in the precinct.

The county registrar has up to 3 days after the election to determine if you were properly registered to vote in that election. (i.e., Met eligibility criteria and deadline) If you were not eligible to vote in that election, your vote will not be counted, and you will be notified in writing. If you were eligible to vote but voted in the wrong precinct, only the votes for candidates for which you were entitled to vote will be counted, and you will  be notified in writing that your ballot was partially counted for your correct precinct.

In federal elections only, if the polling place is kept open after 7:00 PM because of a court order, anyone arriving after 7:00 PM will vote by provisional ballot. If you are eligible to vote and the order stands, your vote will be counted.

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